What is an electromagnetic wave

What is an electromagnetic wave

In a very simple way, we can say that electromagnetic waves (or electromagnetic fields - EMF) are waves of invisible energy that we also call radiation. These waves are created by the movement of electricity — in a circuit, an antenna, a light bulb — much like the eddies on the surface of a puddle of water when you throw a pebble into it. They have the capacity to transport information, but also energies.

Although invisible to the human eye, electromagnetic fields are present in our environment. There are two types of electromagnetic fields:

Natural electromagnetic waves (OEM) which are emitted by the Earth, humans (our brain, our heart, etc.), animals, plants and stones, among others. These waves do not cause any problem for the most part since they propagate without hitting and without damaging our cells. Some are even essential for life. For example, the light that the sun sends us is electromagnetic radiation identical to that of radio waves, but from a natural source. 

Artificial electromagnetic waves (OEMA) that were created by humans. They include radio waves, infrared rays, light rays, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, microwaves, smart meters, as well as all electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets, computers and wireless networks. These waves are unstable and move in an unpredictable way hitting our cells in their path, continually prompting our immune system to activate its defense mechanisms and thus creating constant stress in our body.

Animals and plants are also living beings sensitive to vibrations. They are also affected by electromagnetic waves, even more than us. OEMAs can therefore also have adverse effects on their health.

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